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Philosophie Indebate
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Michael L. Thomas
Alle Beiträge von Michael L. Thomas:
InDebate: Cultural Appropriation or Cultural Dialog?
InDebate: Hip-Hop Voices and the Problem of Black Experience
InDebate: The Political Aesthetics of Bruno Latour
Weitere Autor*innen
Sarah Rosenhauer
Dr. Anne Weber
Lautaro Leani
Soledad Tuñón
Dr. Jonathan M. Hoffmann
Dr. Philipp von Gall
David Palme
Dr. Nicola Zambon
Moira Pérez
Blas Radi
Dorothea Winter
Benedikt Wissing
Dr. Mona Jahangiri
Franco Rest
Eike Bohlken
Helmut Pape
Burkhard Liebsch
Thomas Polednitschek
Nicole Thiemer
Anne Specht